Life Lesson 4: Never slurp spaghetti on the first date.
This was founded one day at camp, as many. ha. Devin and I were eating dinner and there were some kids sitting near us. We had spaghetti that night. One of the kids sitting across from us was chowing down on his spaghetti like crazy! He was going at it! There was sauce all on his face, it was humorous. We just simply looked at him saying, “hey man, life lesson 4, never slurp spaghetti on the first date.” Obviously he won’t be going on many dates soon, but still, it never hurts to go ahead and give the advice. He asked us why not. We responded by telling him that when you slurp spaghetti it gets everywhere; all over your face, your clothes, everything! And we told him that most girls don’t like that.
You shouldn’t slurp spaghetti on the first date, but sometimes you can wait and do it on say the 12th or 16th date. She might be comfortable enough by then. Just don’t get too sloppy with your slurping! Forks can twist for a reason.
Go out, have good dates, but don’t slurp your spaghetti!
For most people this life lesson is common sense, for others this is new and fascinating knowledge to add to their book of knowledge.
I hope you have learned a lot from this, as you usually do from Life Lessons With Tony and Friends.