Tuesday, December 18, 2012

#24: Always know when to talk to girls about pooping.

Life Lesson 24: Always know when to talk to girls about pooping.

Well, in life there are some things that you can talk to anybody about, some things you can only talk to females about, and some things you can only talk to guys about. There are also some things that make some people uncomfortable and some things that make people grossed out.

A lot of females are easily grossed out by things such as pooping, farting, burping, and barfing.

Even though most girls do these things in life, they are rather grossed out by them.
When a guy talks to a girl about pooping or farting, she will most likely feel uncomfortable or grossed out. Pooping and farting are things you should not talk to a girl about.

But, there are exceptions!

When you first meet a girl you should filter your talk about poop to a girl.
If you know you're going to be in a relationship for a while, then you can talk about it some here and there, but slowly add it in, it is bound to come up in conversations.
As you go on in relationships some women become more comfortable with things such as that in conversations. Whether you want it to or not, things like poop, farting, burping, and barfing will all eventually happen and come up. So, just think yourself before you speak.

Especially if you want to keep a good relationship with a girl, I wouldn't say never talk to girls about pooping, but I would say watch who you talk to it about and when you talk to them about it.

1 comment:

  1. It's going to be a strange relationship if the two of you just pretend the other doesn't poop. I'd say don't start up a crappy conversation with a girl you just met, but if you guys are in it for the long haul, farts and poop and vomit will come up (no pun intended) eventually.
